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Steps Property Owners Can Take to Mitigate Natural Disaster Risks

Natural disasters can strike without warning, causing immense damage and disruption. For homeowners, commercial building owners, property managers, and real estate investors, understanding how to reduce risks and prepare for potential impacts is not only important for your investment – it’s important for safety. And while they can’t be completely prevented, the impacts from disasters may be lessened with the right measures.

Fire Prevention and Protection

Regular maintenance plays a crucial role in fire prevention. Ensure that electrical systems, heating equipment, and other potential fire hazards (e.g., fireplaces and chimneys) are routinely inspected by qualified professionals. Clear your property of debris, dead vegetation, and any flammable materials.

Your smoke alarms are your first line of defense in detecting a fire. Test them frequently to ensure they work properly and replace batteries at least once a year. Consider installing interconnected smoke alarms for enhanced safety.

Fire extinguishers should be accessible, fully charged, and inspected annually. Make sure everyone on the property knows how to use them effectively. Choose extinguishers that are suitable for different types of fires (e.g., electrical, grease) and placed in the spaces where these issues would be more likely to occur.

For commercial buildings, understand where sprinklers are required – but also where they could do the most good. A sprinkler protection system could mean the difference between fire damage and a total loss in a fire. Have them regularly inspected and tested by professionals. You might even save on your insurance premium if these measures are in place.

Understand Your Risks

Identify the specific natural disasters that could impact your property. Are you in a flood plain? The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has flood maps available that identify zones of flood risk. Are you in a higher risk area for wildfires? FEMA has risk zone maps for that as well. What about earthquakes? Check out the info from the U.S. Geological Survey for that risk information.

Know Your Coverage

Ensure your insurance policies cover the natural disasters that pose the greatest risk to your property. Typically, property insurance policies do not include coverage for floods, earthquakes, or sinkholes, so additional policies might be necessary. Work with our agents to tailor your coverage to the specific risks associated with your property. Regularly review your policies to ensure they align with any changes in risk or property value.

Taking proactive steps to mitigate disaster risks can save property owners significant time, money, and stress. Implementing fire prevention measures, understanding specific risks, and ensuring adequate insurance coverage are key strategies for safeguarding your investments. By staying informed and prepared, you can strengthen your property’s resilience against natural disasters.

Contact Brandon Patterson on our team at for more information on risk reduction for your property.

Why Aren’t all Insurance Policies the Same?

It’s a reasonable question to ask. If I am looking at a home insurance policy with insurance company A versus one with company B – shouldn’t they offer the same coverage? Isn’t cost the determining factor in the difference? The answer, however, is much more complicated.

Insurance companies in Tennessee file policies and rates with the Department of Insurance. These policies contain the specifics of what they’re going to offer, and the rate schedule for what they intend to charge. They are based on specific calculations for each company, and are often very different. While many use “forms” from the Insurance Service Office (ISO) that are the same, changes and even proprietary forms are use across the industry. So, what do you need to know about how and why they’re different? Let’s review it.

The Key Policy Differences You Should Know

1. Limits on Amounts of Coverage

One of the fundamental differences between insurance policies is the limit on the amounts of coverage they provide. Coverage limits dictate the maximum amount an insurer will pay for a covered loss. For example, a homeowners’ policy may have different limits for dwelling, personal property, and liability coverages. It’s essential to review these limits and ensure they align with your needs and financial situation. Insufficient coverage can leave you vulnerable, while excessive coverage might result in higher premiums than necessary.

2. Policy Exclusions

Policy exclusions are specific conditions or circumstances under which the insurance company will not provide coverage. These exclusions vary widely between policies and can significantly impact the protection you receive. Common exclusions include natural disasters, acts of war, and certain high-risk activities. Understanding these exclusions is critical, as they can affect your claims process and financial recovery in the event of a loss.

3. Named Perils vs. “Open” Perils Coverage

Insurance policies generally fall into two categories regarding covered perils:

  • Named Perils: This type of policy only covers losses caused by perils explicitly listed in the policy, such as fire, theft, or vandalism. If a peril is not named, it is not covered.
  • Open Perils (or All-Risk): These policies provide broader coverage, protecting against all perils unless specifically excluded in the policy. While typically more expensive, all-risk policies offer broader protection.

Choosing between named perils and all-risk coverage depends on your specific needs, risk exposure, and budget considerations.

4. Options for Endorsements

Endorsements, also known as riders or add-ons, allow policyholders to customize their insurance policies by adding specific coverages or modifying existing ones. These options enable you to tailor your policy to better fit your unique circumstances. Common endorsements include:

  • Extended Replacement Cost: Provides additional coverage for rebuilding costs that exceed the policy’s stated limits.
  • Personal Property Replacement Cost: Ensures that lost or damaged personal property is replaced at current market value rather than depreciated value.
  • Water Backup Coverage: Covers damage caused by water backing up through sewers or drains.

Reviewing available endorsements and selecting those that address your particular needs can enhance your overall protection and peace of mind.

Why Do These Policies Change Over Time?

Insurance companies continually adapt their policies to address evolving risks and limit their exposure. These changes are often based on extensive data analysis, loss history, and actuarial studies. For instance, following a surge in natural disasters, insurers may revise coverage terms, exclusions, or premium rates to reflect the increased risk. Staying informed about these adaptations is essential, as they can impact your coverage and the affordability of your policy.

Navigating the world of insurance can be complex, but understanding the key differences between policies is crucial for making informed decisions. By considering coverage limits, policy exclusions, types of coverage, and available endorsements, you can select a policy that provides the protection you need. An agent can help you understand the coverages and options available to you. Contact Brandon Patterson on our team at to get the support you need today!

Why Do Natural Disasters Elsewhere Impact Insurance Rates Locally?

A hurricane in Florida. A flood in New York. A wildfire in Colorado. What do any of these have to do with Tennessee’s insurance rates? It would be easy to say, “Oh, that’s just the insurance companies charging us for money they had to pay for other claims.” However, it goes much deeper than that, so let’s discuss why losses elsewhere impact premiums here.

To start with what you probably did know – yes – there is an impact in premiums when companies lose money elsewhere. But it’s not as simple as “greed” for insurance companies. The way these companies make a profit is measured through a “combined ratio” – a metric that calculates their loss ratio and expense ratio. In other words, the amount they’ve paid out for losses is added to their business expenses and divided by the amount of premium they’ve “earned” from insureds. A combined ratio over 100 means that the company – in the most basic sense – is losing money.

Companies that continually lose money typically cease to operate after some time. That is one reason why there is an impact on your insurance rates based on losses in other parts of the country, but it’s far from the only reason. Here are three more:

Actuarial Predictions

Companies rely on actuarial science – the discipline that applies mathematical and statistical methods to the systematic observation of natural events to assess the risk of events occurring and help formulate policies that minimize this risk and its financial impact on companies and clients – to measure future risk. When there are more disasters, these measurements increase future predictions of risk, in turn resulting in filings for higher rates.

Claims Costs

When there are significant natural disasters, especially multiple disasters across the country, there is a major impact on the supply chain. The cost of materials and labor can increase significantly, as can the time for mitigation and repairs. This all adds up to higher claims costs, which in turn lead to a need for higher rates.

Reinsurance Costs

Insurance companies buy policies of their own – called reinsurance – to share the risks they insure. As claims and costs go up globally, the price of reinsurance goes up as well.

You might ask why these companies don’t just focus on areas of less risk – but it’s not that simple. A practice called “spread of risk” lessens the concerns of one major natural disaster impacting all or most of a company’s insureds. And there is risk everywhere. We may not be impacted by a hurricane, but a hailstorm, tornado, or wildfire is certainly possible.

All these factors go into ratemaking decisions for insurance companies. As we progress through hurricane season and other natural disasters occur, just keep in mind that the impacts from these events are not always immediate and not restricted to where they are happening.

If you’d like to know more, contact Brandon Patterson on our team at