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Why Aren’t all Insurance Policies the Same?

It’s a reasonable question to ask. If I am looking at a home insurance policy with insurance company A versus one with company B – shouldn’t they offer the same coverage? Isn’t cost the determining factor in the difference? The answer, however, is much more complicated.

Insurance companies in Tennessee file policies and rates with the Department of Insurance. These policies contain the specifics of what they’re going to offer, and the rate schedule for what they intend to charge. They are based on specific calculations for each company, and are often very different. While many use “forms” from the Insurance Service Office (ISO) that are the same, changes and even proprietary forms are use across the industry. So, what do you need to know about how and why they’re different? Let’s review it.

The Key Policy Differences You Should Know

1. Limits on Amounts of Coverage

One of the fundamental differences between insurance policies is the limit on the amounts of coverage they provide. Coverage limits dictate the maximum amount an insurer will pay for a covered loss. For example, a homeowners’ policy may have different limits for dwelling, personal property, and liability coverages. It’s essential to review these limits and ensure they align with your needs and financial situation. Insufficient coverage can leave you vulnerable, while excessive coverage might result in higher premiums than necessary.

2. Policy Exclusions

Policy exclusions are specific conditions or circumstances under which the insurance company will not provide coverage. These exclusions vary widely between policies and can significantly impact the protection you receive. Common exclusions include natural disasters, acts of war, and certain high-risk activities. Understanding these exclusions is critical, as they can affect your claims process and financial recovery in the event of a loss.

3. Named Perils vs. “Open” Perils Coverage

Insurance policies generally fall into two categories regarding covered perils:

  • Named Perils: This type of policy only covers losses caused by perils explicitly listed in the policy, such as fire, theft, or vandalism. If a peril is not named, it is not covered.
  • Open Perils (or All-Risk): These policies provide broader coverage, protecting against all perils unless specifically excluded in the policy. While typically more expensive, all-risk policies offer broader protection.

Choosing between named perils and all-risk coverage depends on your specific needs, risk exposure, and budget considerations.

4. Options for Endorsements

Endorsements, also known as riders or add-ons, allow policyholders to customize their insurance policies by adding specific coverages or modifying existing ones. These options enable you to tailor your policy to better fit your unique circumstances. Common endorsements include:

  • Extended Replacement Cost: Provides additional coverage for rebuilding costs that exceed the policy’s stated limits.
  • Personal Property Replacement Cost: Ensures that lost or damaged personal property is replaced at current market value rather than depreciated value.
  • Water Backup Coverage: Covers damage caused by water backing up through sewers or drains.

Reviewing available endorsements and selecting those that address your particular needs can enhance your overall protection and peace of mind.

Why Do These Policies Change Over Time?

Insurance companies continually adapt their policies to address evolving risks and limit their exposure. These changes are often based on extensive data analysis, loss history, and actuarial studies. For instance, following a surge in natural disasters, insurers may revise coverage terms, exclusions, or premium rates to reflect the increased risk. Staying informed about these adaptations is essential, as they can impact your coverage and the affordability of your policy.

Navigating the world of insurance can be complex, but understanding the key differences between policies is crucial for making informed decisions. By considering coverage limits, policy exclusions, types of coverage, and available endorsements, you can select a policy that provides the protection you need. An agent can help you understand the coverages and options available to you. Contact Brandon Patterson on our team at to get the support you need today!

How Does Safety and Risk Management Impact Your Business’s Insurance?

As a business owner or manager, you have enough to worry about without safety incidents impacting your team and what you do. That’s why it is so important to have proper safety procedures and risk management efforts in place – and to train your team on those policies. And while it may be common sense that better safety could lead to improvements for your business’s insurance, there may be more impacts than you realize. Here are some of the important impacts to consider as you develop your strategy.

Risk Management: Reduce Exposure

One of the most immediate benefits of implementing rigorous safety and risk management procedures is the reduction of loss potential. When businesses invest in training their team and ensuring that safety measures are consistently applied, they create a safer work environment. This proactive approach minimizes accidents and incidents, typically reducing the number of business insurance claims. Not to mention, fewer incidents means your team’s efficiency and effectiveness should increase, improving your bottom line.

Improved Employee Satisfaction

Employee satisfaction is another critical impact of robust safety and risk management protocols. Workers who feel safe and valued are more likely to be engaged and productive. High levels of employee satisfaction can lead to lower turnover rates, fewer absences, and a more positive workplace culture. Happy employees are also less likely to file complaints or claims, further reducing insurance costs.

Lower Insurance Premiums

Insurance companies review loss history, analyze risk factors, and – in some cases – review a business’s risk management procedures to determine premiums. Insurance companies view businesses with comprehensive safety and risk management plans as lower-risk, resulting in more favorable rates for their coverage. By demonstrating a commitment to safety, businesses can often negotiate better terms with insurers, thus reducing overall operating costs.

Industry Example: Manufacturing

The manufacturing sector provides a compelling example of how effective safety and risk management can lead to lower insurance costs. Manufacturing companies with clear, written, and team-reviewed safety procedures can significantly reduce the risk of injury and illness.

In fact, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports that safety efforts in the industry have led to a significant drop in worker injuries and illnesses—from 10.9 incidents per 100 workers in 1972 to 2.7 per 100 in 2022.1 This dramatic reduction not only lowers the human cost but also translates into substantial savings on insurance premiums.

Spend the Time – See the Results

Investing time, effort, and resources into safety and risk management is not just a regulatory or a compliance issue – it can be a strategic business decision if done correctly. By reducing loss potential, enhancing employee satisfaction, and lowering insurance costs, businesses can create a safer and more financially stable environment.

For small business owners, risk managers, and business managers, the path to lower insurance premiums and a safer workplace lies in proactive safety and risk management. How can you get started on a safety and risk management plan for your business? Check out the tools available from Liberty Mutual’s SafetyNet program at

If your business wants to discuss how the safety measures you already have or are implementing can help with your insurance, contact Brandon Patterson on our team at to get the support you need today!


What Do Charities and Nonprofits Need to Know About Their Insurance?

We are lucky to have many charities and nonprofit organizations that serve a vital role in our communities. The services and resources they provide can be a lifeline of support for thousands of people. But even organizations with the best intentions, missions, and goals have risks to consider.

As you’d imagine, liability, workers’ comp, property, and commercial auto policies are often needed for most of these organizations. But what about other risks? Here are a few that nonprofits and charities should take into consideration:

Directors & Officers

Your organization likely has a group of volunteer leaders that help support the decisions and guide you in fulfilling your mission. However, they may be held responsible for some of those decisions if they have negative results. Directors & Officers (D&O) coverage may help with defense costs, settlements and judgments associated with claims against nonprofit organizations. It may also help protect their personal assets should legal matters implicate them.

Cyber Liability

Many organizations maintain sensitive data about those they serve. This may include medical information, personal details, addresses, and more. Having cybersecurity measures in place to protect this data is critical. But just as critical is having the right cyber liability policy in place. A data breach can cost thousands of dollars, even for a small organization. To help you respond and recover, consider a standalone cyber policy that provides the right coverage for your specific risks.

Vulnerable Groups Served

If your nonprofit or charity assists with support for children, the elderly, or mentally challenged individuals, it is an unfortunate reality that there is some risk for abuse. There are professional liability coverages that may help protect your organization if allegations of abuse occur.

Some may be specific to the type of charity work you perform, and it is best to consult with your agent on what is best suited for your risks. This may assist employees in the case of false allegations as well, even potentially providing defense funds and lost wages.

Additional Coverage Considerations

In some cases, insurers may offer specific coverages or umbrella policies that are more custom to the risks a charity or nonprofit is facing. Such coverages may help better protect your organization, your leadership, and the communities you serve.

Having an insurance agent who understands the risks of your charity or nonprofit is extremely important. The services you provide are often critical for the people who receive them. Not having the right insurance may leave the work you with vulnerabilities you never considered.

Brandon Patterson from our team would be more than happy to discuss these items with your organization and help you identify risks and coverages. Please contact him for more info at

What is Business Income Coverage and When Do You Need It?

If you own, operate, or manage a business, you know how important it is to track revenue and financials. But what if that revenue stopped coming in due to a fire? What if a major theft prevented you from being able to pay your bills and payroll? Having business income (also known as business interruption) coverage in place may help lift the financial burden. But it’s very important to understand when and how it can be used.

Business Income Coverage Examples

Let’s take for example, Christina owns an independent bookstore and also owns the building where the store is located. A fire damages part of the store, and in the process of putting out the fire, her inventory is destroyed by smoke and water damage. It’s going to be several months before the property can be cleaned and repaired for patrons to safely enter, and new inventory must also be ordered and stocked.

The property policy on the business covers much of the physical damage, and there is also some coverage for inventory. However, Christina knows she’ll have trouble paying her employees and her bills without any revenue being generated. So, what does she need to know if she has business income coverage in place?

  1. What is the actual loss sustained? Christina will need to know the total of her covered losses and how much was covered by other insurance policies.
  2. What is the amount of income lost? Christina will need to be able to provide information on the amount of revenue she would have generated had the store been open as normal.
  3. What is the “waiting period” of the policy? Most business income coverage will have an amount of time that must pass before the coverage can take effect.
  4. What is the “period of restoration”? How much time will the policy cover while the business is closed?

These crucial factors will help determine when, how much, and for how long Christina can expect the policy will pay.

Named Perils

These policies typically have named perils as well. So, while a fire, theft, wind, etc. may be covered, you’d have to check your policy to see if a service line being damaged would be covered. In addition, civil authority may be covered as an interruption after a natural disaster. As an example, if a sinkhole damaged the only road leading to your business and the government ordered closure as a result, you might be covered for business income.

Understand Your Business Income Coverage

However, and as with any policies, it is extremely important to understand your coverage and limits. Don’t assume you’d be covered for certain situations, talk with your agent and get an understanding of what would trigger this coverage, for how much, and for how long.

To learn more about it, contact Brandon from our team at or 865-453-1414 today.

What Does a “High Net Worth” Client Look Like in Insurance?

You may have seen the term “high net worth” somewhere and thought, “That’s not me, we’re not ‘rich’ we’re just upper middle class.” But when it comes to insurance, high net worth is more about value than wealth.

Consider homes as an example. A high value home is typically one that is valued at $750,000 or higher. With inflation and today’s property values, your home may fall in that range now, even if you didn’t pay that much to buy it. But if the size, location, and/or values of homes around you have increased – your home likely is worth more too.

In addition, do you have a more expensive vehicle? What about multiple vehicles? Do you have a boat, RV, ATV, or other additional vehicles? Do you have a gun collection, jewelry, or other personal property that might be worth more than your current policy’s limits. All these things add up, and they may need more coverage than is offered by “standard” home and auto policies.

Property isn’t the only place you face risk; you have personal liability as well. And the more you have, the more you may be sued for if someone feels you are responsible for some type of “damage” to them. Lawsuits are more common now, as are larger court judgments and settlements. Having more coverage for personal liability can help protect you and your assets.

So, do you need “special” coverage?

Maybe not “special” coverage, but you very well might need “different” coverage. Important things to check include:

  • Property limits on your policy – are they high enough for the value?
  • Coverage language like Replacement Cost versus Actual Cash Value – would you want to pay the difference if you had a claim?
  • Liability limits on your policy – lawsuits can be costly and adding more may not be as expensive as you’d think.

Things you should consider to better protect yourself:

  • Get the current property value of your home assessed and match your policy limits closer to that value
  • Take precautions to protect your property like home security systems, protection devices, home & roof inspections, and discussing safety with your family
  • Discuss valuable items like jewelry, firearms, and collections with your insurance agent to see if they need to scheduled on your policy
  • Consider a Personal Umbrella Policy (PUP) for additional protection

Make sure you understand your current policies, coverages, and limits. Review what you have and what you may need on a regular basis to make sure changes have been accounted for properly. It can make a huge difference in your protection whether you’re high net worth or not!

Want more tips to help better protect yourself and your family? Need a policy review? Contact Brandon from our team at or 865-453-1414 today.

Claims for Theft and Burglary: What’s Covered and When?

If you own a business, having something stolen from your company may be an unfortunate reality someday. But is there a difference in how it is covered based on how it is stolen? There may indeed be differences depending on your policy. Let’s review what you may find as you understand these coverages.

Insurance for theft typically covers any stolen property, regardless of where it was stolen. Insurance for a burglary may only cover property that was stolen when a forced entry into a building or structure was involved. If you have commercial property insurance, you may think theft is covered. But that isn’t always the case, especially for crime-related losses.

However, if you have a commercial crime policy, there is a good chance you are protected from losses occurring from business-related crimes, including:

Employee Theft Insurance

Protects you against dishonest acts committed by your employees, including theft of money or property.

Robbery and Premises Theft Insurance

Protects your property inside your premises while you’re open for business. You’re even covered if you or your employees are ever robbed while doing business offsite.

Computer Fraud Insurance

May help cover losses when employees or hackers commit fraud or theft via computers. As an important note, crime insurance will typically not cover losses as a result of data breaches. This type of loss would need to be covered by cyber liability coverage.

Forgery Insurance

Helps protect you if documents are forged or altered in schemes that typically involve the false acquisition of your funds.

Theft of Money or Securities

Protection for physical theft of money or securities and may help protect you even if this theft occurs off premises of your business.

As you can see, there is more than one may realize when it comes to protecting your business from theft, burglary, or crime. Contact Brandon Patterson on our team at or call 865.453.1414 and he’ll help you understand these risks and your options.